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The Datong Daily and the Shanxi Dongfangliang Agriculture hosted jointly the activity to solicit articles essays
Author:By Fen Zhen    Dtime:2016-03-17 15:27:54   Source:Datong Daily   

  “The Dongfangliang Cup” Article-soliciting Activity Jointly Sponsored by Datong Daily and Dongfangliang Company has comt to an end, and result of the article and essay competition has been now announced.

  This essay-soliciting activity aims to publicize the Famous Datong, the Ancient Capital of Datong, and the Charming Datong, thereby arousing the enthusiasm of the people to understand, love and construct the lovely city of Datong, so as to composea famous chapter for Datong.

Since February 2015, there are many people enlisting the activity, the participants come from all over the country. The editorial department received more than 300 articles and selected the most excellent to publish on Datong daily weekly and culture - Art Gallery - Datong daily, stimulating great repercussions in the readers.

  In a vivid writing style, these bidding works tastes the thousands of years of remarkable history and charisma of Datong andtastes the extraordinary style of the ancient city construction and know its great changes, tastes the lasting appealing of its places of interest and know its landscape in different poses and  tastes the legends of historical figures and the stirring life of contemporary characters; additionally, they tastes the unique flavor the city’s delicacy and know its broad feelings and chews customs and demostrates the warmth of the world. Many classical works related to Datong are widely quoted with full feelings and universal praise.

  After the careful selection by the judges,Zeng Qiang’s the taste ofDatong won the first prize. Yang Jie’s the Verse on the Greatwall of Datong,  Wang Xingde’s Visiting Friends and  Liu Hongxia’s the nature like wine got the second prize. Hui Liner’s the Temple Lingyan, Wu Yan’s at the Peak, Liu Min’s the Track of the streets won the third prize. The authors of an outstanding award are Zhang Zhendong, Zhang Weizhonng, Wang Jun, Jiao Feng and Li Xuguang. All the award-winning authors, please bring your ID cards to get the bonus from Datong daily weekly on Songzhuang No. 1 South Street.




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