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It is getting a bit cold in the autumn season, it is high time to have congee
Author:Dongfangliang    Dtime:2016-10-26 08:51:42   Source:Shanxi Dongfangliang Life Scinence and Technology Co.,Ltd.   

Eating porridge is one of the traditional health preservative methods in our country. Nowadays, it is even a simple but effective approach of healthy eating, for as long as people are sensible to eat porridge, the fat people can lose their weight, patients with hypertension, hyperproteinemia and hyperglycemia can control their illness and people suffering diarrhea and indigestion can recover soon.

The advantages of eating porridge

1. Water replenishment

In the early autumn, the climate is dry, but the moisture content in porridge is usually up to about 90 percent. In the form of the mixture of water and starch, porridge retains in the digestive tract for a longer time and it passes slowly through the tract . 

2. Controlling calories and weight

Compared with cooked fine rice, porridge has a large volume but low energy. That is to say, it’s easy to be satisfied with the bulky water and little “dry millet” in the porridge.

3. Nourishing the stomach

Especially when the gastrointestinal function of a person is weak, with the occurrence of intestinal infection, diarrhea and so on, the doctor usually recommended eating porridge, because the porridge is easy to digest and has a lot of advantages compared to other staple food.

Health preservation in autumn should be major in nourishing Qi, tonifying spleen, reinforcing liver and clearing lung heat.

Some easily digested and absorbed nutritious food should be chosen as autumn diet. We should follow the principle of “less spicy more sour” and drink more porridge. At this moment, we can’t take a lot of tonics, such as ginseng, antler etc. and eat less spicy food. We should eat some sour and fresh vegetables and fruits with the function of moistening lungs, we can cook porridge with pears, apples, water chestnuts, lily, radish, lotus root, white fungus, mushrooms, fungus, kelp, seaweed, soy and other soy products and so on. We should choose some chewy, fiber-rich foods which have good preventive effects on lessening the sense of dry mouth and nose, rough skin and constipation etc., which is most likely to appear in autumn. 

After the day of Beginning of Autumn, a breakfast of porridge is better.

After the beginning of autumn, it is particularly suitable us to have a meal of porridge in the morning. In the early autumn, it is very easy to lead to some diseases of stomach function and decreasing immunity , but if we can eat some warm food in the morning, it is good for our health.




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