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You have 10 kinds of soup to help you pass the winter healthily.
Author:Dongfangliang    Dtime:2016-10-21 10:58:43   Source:Shanxi Dongfangliang Life Scinence and Technology Co.,Ltd.   

Soup is always nutritious and nourishing, if we can add some herbs,the effect will improve more.

【1. Sweet soup of lotus root with red dates】

Ingredients: 2 blocks lotus root, better choose the middle part;several red dates; some crystal sugar.

Cooking method:
step 1: select the fresh lotus root, and wash it clean then slice it into pieces; put the sliced lotus root in a pot,and add some water (just cover the sliced lotus root);
step 2: heat the water until it boils then turn down the fire intosmall one, continuing cooking; 25 minutes later, put the dates intothe pot;contitinue cooking another 15 minutes,then turn off the fire.
Efficacy: The cooked soup tastes fresh and sweet, and is very nourishing .To eat autumn lotus root in this season can nourish thespleen and stomach. Dates can help to strengthen the spleen and stomach,replenish the Qi and nourish blood, and soothe the nerves and so on.

【2. Soup of lily with adenophora】
Ingredients: 15 grams North adenophora; 30 grams lily; 5 dry figs, 18 grams lean pork, 1 piece dried tangerine peel.
Cooking method:
step 1: clean the figs, and cut them into halves. Wash up thepork,the north adenophora, the dried tangerine peel,and the lily.
setp 2: put all the materials together into the boiling water in a pot, and continue heating the soup about two hours, at last,add a little salt. Step 3: Now, you can enjoy it.
Efficacy: North Adenophora, lily and figs have the effect of nourishing the Yin and and dampening the lungs,help to moisten thedryness and clean the throat, coupled with nutritious lean pork-whichis good to promote the qi and nourish the spleen- and dried tangerine peel- which has the effect of eliminating dampness and resolvingphlegm-. Eating these together can not only help moisten the throatand protect vocal cords, but also smooth stool and prevent hemorrhoids.

【3. Soup of pickled cabbage with taro 】

Ingredients: 100 grams pickled cabbage, 200 grams taro, 50 grams tofu skin, 1 STRONG PIG BONE SOUP, 2 short leeks.
Cooking direction:
step 1.Wash pickled cabbage drain,then shred it. Peel and wash the taro and cut it into small blocks; wash the tofu skin and shred it; wash and shred the leeks.
step2. Add appropriate amount of water in a pot, add the STRONG PIG BONE SOUP and boil the soup until it dissolves.

Step3. First add pickled cabbage then taro, stew them together until the taro gets soft,

Step 4. Add tofu skin and continue stewing until the taro tastes very soft and sticky.

Step 5. Add the shreded leeks on the soup. And the soup is ready.
Efficacy: taro is rich in starch and nutrient-rich. Especially it is good for the spleen and stomach. If a personsuffers from intestinal diseases, tuberculosis, the soup can help him recover. The soup is one of the best food forinfants and the elderly.

【4 soup of lotus root with ribs】

Ingredients: 500 grams lotus root, 500 grams pork ribs, a little rice wine, ginger, onions and salt.
Cooking direction:
Step1. Cut the pork ribs into sections, boil in the water and skim the fat;

Step2. Wash the lotus root and sliced it, put the sliced lotus rootand the ribs  in a cooker with 1500 ml of warm water in it, add a small spoon rice wine, some pieces of ginger, and some shreded leek,

Step 3. After the water boils, continue stew the soup about 90 minutes.

Step 4. Add some salt. And the soup is ready.
Efficacy: This soup can play the role of eliminating heat and phlegm,replenishing blood and nourish the skin. It can help those who suffer from anemia, palpitation, insomnia recover from the illness. Becauselotus root has the quality of heat, in order to neutralize the heat,those females with weak and cold physical quality should cook the soup with some green beans in.

【5.Soup of American Ginseng Dragon's Dragon soup】
Ingredients: 500 grams Dragon bone, 10 grams of Polygonatum, 10 grams American Ginseng, 10 grams lotus seeds, 2 red dates, 10 grams north astragalas, 10 grams Ophiopogon.
Cooking direction:
Step1. Wash the Dragon bone, Polygonatum, American Ginseng, lotus seeds, red dates, north astragalas, Ophiopogon. And core the dates, cut the dragon bone into small blocks. Boil the cubed dragon bone a while then take it out.

Step2. Add 8 bowls of water into a pot to boil,next add all the materials in the pot and heat them until boiling, then turn down the fire to a gentle one and keep heating another 1.5 hours,

Step 3. Add salt and seasonings to the soup. And the soup is ready.

Efficacy:  this soup is helpful to nourish the Yin,and is especially good for the middle-aged people and children.

【6. Soup of Lily with pears and lotus root】
Ingredients: 200 grams of lily, 300 grams of snow pear, 500 grams of lotus root, some salt.
cooking direction:
Step1. Wash up lily and tear it into fragments; core the snow pear; wash up the white lotus root cut it into small pieces;
Step2.put the snow pear and lotus root into a pot with 5cups of water in, and boil them about 2hours, then add the lily fragments, boil another 10 minutes. Step3. Add some salt and seasonings.
Efficacy: Lily, snowpear, lotus root can clear the lung effectively,and the soup cooked with these three ingredients together tastes very sweet and nice. Pears contain much water and has a quality of slight cold, and can help produce saliva, eliminate heat and resolve phlegm, so a pear is a good cooking ingredient to clear lungs.

【7. Carp Soup of Chinese yam with medlar】

Ingredients: 1carp, 20 grains medlars, 250 grams Chinese yam, some salt, 20-50g leek and 5-10g fresh ginger, 5 ml liquor, 1-2g pepper.

Cooking direction:

Step 1. Wash up the carp. Put a little salt on the fish. Wash up and peelthe yam, then cube it.

Step 2, Add some olive oil into a pan. Put the carp into the heated pot, and fry the both sides of the carp into yellowish,

Step 3. Add some water into a pot and heat it until it boils, then put the fried carp in to the pot. Then add the shreded leek and ginger.

Step 4. Add the white liquor. And then put the cubed yam into the pot.Cover the pot,and stew for 20 minutes. Then soak the medlars with water.

Step 5. Boil the fish soup into milk-white,then season it with salt and pepper. Finally put the medlars into the soup. Now, the soup is ready.

Efficacy: This soup is an ideal tonic diet,dampening and nourishing, nourishing the yin and replenish the yang, and enhance the effectiveness of metabolism; it can also lower blood lipids, recuperates the stomach.

【8. Soup of dried vegetable and duck kidney】

Ingredients: 4 preserved duck kidneys, 100 grams lean pork, 250 grams dried cabbage, 5 candied dates.

Cooking direction:

Step 1, wash up the dried cabbage and soak it with water, then cut it into sections; soak the preserved duck kidneys with warm water, then slice them; wash up the lean pork.

Step 2, put all the materials into a pot, add water, heat the water with violent fire until it boils, then stew the soup 2 to 3 hours, then season it.

Efficacy: the soup is helpful to eliminate the dryness and moisten lungs, stop cough and produce saliva. it is suitable to cure dry cough without phlegm, and a dry throat.

【9 Pig lung soup with rhizoma imperatae and snow pear】

ingredients: 200 grams of fresh Rhizoma Imperatae, 2 snow pear, 1 pig lung, 5 grams dried tangerine peel.

Cooking direction:

Step 1, wash up the lung and cut into pieces, boil it in water for 5 minutes, then wash it again; dice the pears,and remove the nuclears; cut the Rhizoma Imperatae into sections.

Step 2, soak the dried tangerine peel with water, and then stew these together with a slow fire for 2 hours. Then the soup is ready.

【10. Soup of white wood ear and mandarin orange】

Ingredients: 20 grams white wood ear, 200 grams fresh mandarin, 100 grams of crystal sugar,some water, some starch.

Cooking direction:

Step 1, soak the wood ear in the water, and then steam it for one hour. peel the fresh mandarin orange, and remove the netlike tissue.

Step 2, Add appropriate amount of water in a soup pot then put into the steamed wood ear and the fresh orange flesh and rock sugar in the water to be boiled with big fire,

Step 3, dress with the starchy sauce(made from starch and water).

Efficacy: The soup can nourish the Yin and dampen lungs, and moisturize the skin.







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